Saturday, September 14, 2013


This summer saw a lot of growth at the Island in terms of patterns! We have found some amazing PDF designers and have begun to grow our "stash" of patterns. However, as that stash grew - less time was spent actually SEWING them.  LOL! 

So, the eldest on the Island pointed out that maybe  I should take time and SEW something from those patterns I have begun to hoard. (however if they are all digital no one can see my hording right?) 

I thought today would be a good day to take a break and recap some of the patterns sewn over the summer.......

VFT Josephine
Funktional threads Knit UPcycles

Wonderfully Made 4 You One shoulder Dress

Tumble & Twirl Shorts (so much cheaper to make our own for dance)

Aivilo Charlotte Pleated Skirt

Can't leave the little man out - Peak a boo Pattern Shop Classic Chinos

I had so much fun stepping out and doing new things! I did more - but as I realize now I didn't photograph them! And there are all the items that have been loaded into the Etsy shop and all the customs that are off at their new home! 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

WOW! So I knew I had neglected my blog, but I really had no idea that I had totally ABANDONED it!! I am really going to try and revitalize it and I hope to have some help. I plan on having the eldest Monkey guest post here & there to keep you all updated on what is going on around the island. She is learning about blogging at school and she's a good writer so I told her she can help out here and blog for me. 

So in the next few days we will have a bunch of new posts so you can see what we've been up to here and where we are going!