Monday, March 31, 2014

Mamma is sewing again!

It's been awhile - But I have got my sewing mojo back! I think the long winter got to me. So finally today I whipped out two patterns I've had on my want to sew list (even had the pattern printed out!)

So today I showcase the "Sporty Girl Knit Hoodie Dress" and the Jocole "Ruffle Leggings"

Looking over the Deck

No picture for this child is without the goofy faces....

But Alas - I got her to stand still & SMILE! 

A hoodie close up...

Not bad for my first ruffle leggins! 

My favorite picture of them all! 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Time for a little THROWBACK THURSDAY!

I have been sewing since 2004. Not many people knew I sewed.  I kept it under wraps. I saw all the really cool appliqued overalls and knew I wanted some for my daughter (who was 3 at the time) After talking with some gals I knew, I decided I can do this! I had one class of Home Ec. in 8th grade. (made a white stuffed puppy)

The perfect opportunity came when I learned my daughter was going to the pumpkin farm. I was going to make fall themed overalls!
TA DA! MY VERY FIRST ITEM I SEWED! (Store bought overalls) 

I went on to do a matching pair for her & her new little sister! 


I went on to make them lots of outfits that 1st year!

I did Valentine's day ....

and Easter....

and some just because....

And I ended the year with Matching Christmas Dresses ....

(Store bought hats) 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

And we're DONE!

Way back - probably a few years ago, My older daughters & I talked. We thought it would be really cute to see the two of them compete with a tap duo (in dance) They are both AWESOME Tappers (I'm their mom I have to say that ;) ) We also talked about Mom (me) making their costumes. I mindlessly agreed - Because in my mind - I had ideas. Sometimes those ideas are just that and there they sit - forever.

However - this year became - THE YEAR. I wasn't ready - well I kinda was. But at the same time I was petrified of the thought of making them.  What if I couldn't? What if they looked AWFUL!? These were the days I was my own worst enemy.

I even went as far as to see if I could find them a costume. But everything I found was cheesy and boring. We wanted FUN and a little more "Grown-up". Therefore, it fell back on MOM to come up with something. Easier said than done.

I had ideas. I sketched (HAHA - IF only you knew how back I draw) I tossed ideas and plans out at them. Most of the time I got blank stares back. When they did respond - they were like energizer bunnies.

We decided on Plan A. Peasant tops (cropped) and booty shorts. The younger of the two requested ruffles. OK great - Ruffles it is.

I ordered fabric - Purple for one & red for the other - they are "Dueling Tappers" so we wanted a "Coordinating Difference"

While I waited - I changed my mind on the top. If you scroll down - I already blogged about it. SO we'll just keep it to the pants here. ...

When the fabric came - I figured NO SWEAT! I have made dance shorts before - they fit great and are easy! And that's when it all started to fall apart. :(

Option 1: FAIL: When ordering the fabric I picked out a different one than I initially got a sample for. OOPS - It was thinner. I did pair one and they were too small. Scrapped that and made a bigger pair. Well - These pulled in oh not so nice ways. That was the end of that. MY daughters started being worried that they would have nothing or it would look awful.  That's when we went to option #2

Option #2 - FAIL! We decided to buy some jean shorts (Found a matching pair on clearance for $5 each - I thought WHAT A DEAL! ) Ordered and within the week they were here. YAY!
Or NOT. Tried them on and they were HUGE! I know the girls are tiny (well not really but these days it sure felt like it) Well seeing how I had ordered the smallest size initially for the youngest and they fit the oldest - there was no choice but to return them.

OPTION #3 - Buy denim and make them myself. Seeing how my girls are not "normal" sized for anything - this was my last option. I feared for how many times I'd have to remake them to get them "just right"
I chose to use the "AVA JEANS" from Pattern Emporium. I've had this pattern for awhile and honestly I have a bunch of "pant" patterns- but for some reason - this one called to me. The designer had recently put together a blog post about how to make them shorts -so I was well on my way.

Normally I would just pick a size and go - but seeing as I had enough fabric to make 3 pair (the two I needed and room for 1 boo boo) I decided to measure my girls first -and i am SO GLAD I did! The sizing was way off from what I would have guessed - but with the measurement charts in the front of the pattern I was bale to correctly choose a size! While I read through the instructions to make them shorts - I decided to wait til I tried them on my girls before cutting them to "short" length. I made them "knee length" and we went from there (I took off 3-4 inches on each)  and wal la! Option #3 was a success!

UP next is the girls DANCING in them - we need to watch for any kind of flaw so we can address it before we get to competition.

SO here is a fun preview of them - we have some "accessorizing" to work on yet (and we have "ideas" there) but I am super excited for them this year!
The girls being goofy - I have no luck these days getting serious pictures. But that's what makes life fun! 

and just to show off the shorts and the fabric accents we used! 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Another Cold January day!

It's been a bow making kinda week here. If you've been over on our facebook page you've seen this past weekend we had a grab box sale! I LOVE these! I love being able to put a bunch of bows in to someones hands. Most of the time these seem to go to a one time shopper. That makes me sad. :(  But I know we have an awesome bow product and even if they never purchase again - Maybe someone else will see MvI bows in their little girls hair and will find us!

Over on our Etsy page, we have our END OF YEAR sale. Yup - I know its January. SO hurry over and check out what we got! It's the LAST 1/2 off sale we'll be doing for awhile. I believe our products are normally priced very reasonable. I'm just in a "clean out mode" and really want to get some new things in the shop!

So what's in store for 2014 at Monkeyville Island?
MORE BOWS! You will see more bows listed on Etsy. Our goal is to grow that aspect of our shop.  You will also see new sewn items (as always they will be OOAK!)

Don't forget to stick around the blog this year and follow us as we grow!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Pattern Mash-up

In my promise to blog more - today I bring a pattern mash up that I did to create the look I and my daughters were going for.

My daughters have been dancing for years. Well - 9 years and 7 years each. They starting competing at 9 & 7.   Last year we talking about the two of them doing a tap duo together. They are both really good tappers and they love it. In our discussions we had decided to compete with it in the 2014-2015 season. Mainly to give me a chance to learn to work with dance fabrics a bit more and because at the time they were already in quite a few competition dances.  Well things changed and we decided to just go for it this year.

Our research and discussions with people led us to Spandex World for our Plaid fabrics. That was the easy part. We decided that the girls would each wear a different colorway to add more to their duo.

The next part proved to be a bit more difficult. I am not a pattern drafter (for the most part). If I HAVE to, I will and have drafted a piece to work as I wanted.  However this time I was working with fabrics that were $15 a yard and there was not a lot of room for error.

I received the fabrics on Friday and thought I'd get started right away. (just in case it didn't work) I still didn't have a plan. The end result..... Success!!! For the most part. Still had some tweaking - but I was ready to go cut into the good stuff.

In the end it all worked out and my girls LOVE their new tops. I still have some finishing due to the fabric not being 4 way stretch - but that's ok.

So here's what we did.

We used the SisBoom Sophie and sized down a few sizes. I cut it shorted to give us a cropped top look and added a band around the bottom. I used the cuff sleeve version but sized the cuffs down one size smaller than the arm I used. I also did not cut the opening into the decorative style. Once sewn together I just cut a small slit straight down the middle (about 2 inches - I should have done about 1 inch) Then for the collar I used the Carla C - Scientific Seamstress Bowling shirt collar. Here instead of sizing down I had to size up. On the red shirt I used the 7/8 and then for the purple shirt I used the 7/8 enlarged 105%.

In the end the girls are happy & so am I! Now to put the rest of the costume together!

Excuse the messy hair and goofy faces. This is what I get when I
"pose" them late at night! 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Sitting in a deep Freeze...


  It is sooooo cold out there! I bet a lot of you are sitting in temps way below normal.  I myself don't want to leave my house! I do have a puppy who needs to go out though. Charlotte "Charlie" is a Chihuahua, poodle, Shitzu mix. A tiny little 6 pounderish puppy full of love. She LOVE the snow so to make her stay in is tough - so we need to take quick trips out. (like SUPER QUICK!) I needed her to have a sweater to keep her warm.

I went on a search - I looked & looked for one and couldn't find one I liked anywhere - until in one of my Facebook groups someone posted a pattern by Stitchwerx Designs. I fell in love with it RIGHT AWAY!
Affordable and fashionable! Finished my dinner & went to work on making one for Charlie. I chose to do the turtleneck version so I could pull it up & keep her head & ears as warm as possible in the cold.

My daughters picked out the fabric & supervised the construction. With clear instructions this sweater went together quick! I think I maybe spent 20 minutes on it. The best part - Charlie LOVES it. She doesn't fight to get it off - she sits to let me put it on!

This pattern is a WIN WIN!

Charlie modeling...

The neck pulled up.

and the cutest puppy on the planet! 

Friday, January 3, 2014

I'm such a bad blogger.....

I always come back here and say I'm going to be a better blogger - but lets face it - I'm bad - really bad. I try, but life just gets going and I forget to come back and share. So this year I'm not going to make promises about how much I'll be here or how much I'm going to share. But I will promise to try.

Until then - HAPPY NEW YEAR!